Where can I find Doccle's Privacy Policy?
Doccle's Privacy policy can be found here.
Where are your servers located?
Doccle's servers are located in AWS, with data residency in the EU region.
Where can I find information about Doccle's uptime and downtimes?
We recommend checking out our status page. This will give you the ability to subscribe for updates, view uptimes, be informed of any outages, and view historical data.
Does Doccle conduct penetration tests?
Doccle engages with penetration testing consulting firms in the industry at least annually. Our current preferred penetration testing partner is Intigriti (BE). All areas of the Doccle product and cloud infrastructure are in-scope for these assessments, and source code insights are fully available to the testers in order to maximize the effectiveness and coverage.
What should I do if I find a security bug?
If you discover a security vulnerability in our system, please follow these steps:
- Do not disclose the vulnerability publicly or to any third parties.
- Submit your findings through our official bug bounty program on Intigriti: see the programs page on their website.
- Provide a detailed report of the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce and any proof-of-concept code.
- Wait for our security team to assess your submission. We typically respond within 3 business days.
- Please note:
- We do not negotiate the acceptance of bugs or bounties via email.
- All communication regarding your submission should occur through the Intigriti platform.
- We do not accept or discuss vulnerability reports through other channels.
For more details, please refer to our full Responsible Disclosure Policy page.